Check an Address

Let's say you want to check the address bc1qez4wdyzjmpe6qtze06r5qycl2lsfu50sursv2s, just request the API like this:

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: <<apiKey>>'

Then you should receive response like this:

    "data": [
            "type": "ACCOUNT",
            "chain": {
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Bitcoin",
                "addressFormat": "NONE"
            "address": "bc1qez4wdyzjmpe6qtze06r5qycl2lsfu50sursv2s",
            "url": null,
            "domain": null,
            "ip": null,
            "antiFraud": {
                "credit": 3
            "labels": [
                    "id": "abuse",
                    "categoryId": "Sanction",
                    "category": {
                        "id": "Sanction",
                        "projectId": null,
                        "riskLevel": 5
                    "id": "ransomware",
                    "categoryId": "Extortion",
                    "category": {
                        "id": "Extortion",
                        "projectId": null,
                        "riskLevel": 5

The result in the dataarray indicate that Chainsight has found 1 related entity:

  • The entity typeis ACCOUNT, means that the entity is an external owned account. (See Entity Type)
  • The antiFraud.creditindicate the the anti-fraud grade is 3 (❌Warning). (See Anti-Fraud Grade)
  • For ACCOUNT type entity, these addition fields will be returned: chain, address, labels:
    • chain: The chain information that this account belongs to.
    • address: The address of this account
    • labels: The information that is labeled on this account. Every label has its category and every category has an riskLevelto indicate the severity of the situation. (See Risk Level and Label Category)


API Reference

You can learn more about this GET /api/check API and give it a try HERE!